Medical student finals / UKMLA resource revision
Our question bank has over 10,000 Single Best Answer and Extended Matching Questions aimed at students who are preparing for finals and the UKMLA. All question styles are covered, including data interpretation and picture questions.
The question bank focuses on core finals topics and is constantly updated.
Other key features include:
- Compare your performance to other candidates who are about to sit finals. How are you doing compared to your colleagues? Are you ready to sit the exam?
- Questions can be answered in revision mode or test mode, which allows you to create timed tests and mock exams
- Extensive teaching notes accompany each question. These build to form a reference library you can access at any time
- Questions are constantly reviewed to ensure they are up-to-date and consistent with current guidelines and clinical practice
- As you progress through the questions a series of key points are stored. These high-yield facts are invaluable for last minute revision
Which medical student resource should I go for?
Passmedicine offers two resources aimed at medical students. We've put together a table to decide which resource best suits your needs:
Medical student years 1-3 | Medical student finals |
Aimed at students in the early years of medical school. Focuses on basic clinical sciences (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, immunology etc) as well as introductions to clinical topics. | Aimed at students in the latter years of medical school and those studying for the UKMLA. Covers core clinical topics in a depth suited to finals. Also includes resources for the OSCE and Prescribing Safety Assessment |
Passmedicine high-yield notes limited to clinical sciences Knowledge tutor with over 4,700 key facts related to clinical sciences - harness the power of spaced repetition learning to give you the competitive edge | Access to all of Passmedicine's high-yield teaching notes and the extended clinical textbook Over 10,000 classic final questions in SBA and EMQ format Knowledge tutor with over 2,300 key facts related to finals topics - harness the power of spaced repetition learning to give you the competitive edge Dedicated OSCE resource Dedicated Prescribing Safety Assessment resource |
Supplement our teaching notes with your own - full formatting options including bullet points, tables and embedding images | Supplement our teaching notes with your own - full formatting options including bullet points, tables and embedding images |
Free 12 month account | Accounts start at GBP 15 for 4 months |
Why not take a free demo?
Medical student finals / UKMLA package (includes OSCE resource + PSA questions) subscription options
Am I on track to pass? How do I compare to others?
PassMedicine constructs a histogram based on other candidates scores which is updated on a daily basis. This not only allows you to see where you are in the pecking order but also helps predict whether you're ready to take the exam.

All the features you'd expect. And more.
Revision mode, timed tests, extensive performance analysis and powerful question review functions. Not only are PassMedicine questions accompanied by answers there are also revision notes under each question. Flag questions, add your own revision notes and much more...
Introducing the knowledge tutor. Harness the power of spaced repetition learning.
As well as our established, conventional question banks PassMedicine has developed the knowledge tutor. We've taken the results of the latest trials in memory science and applied them to medical revision. What this means in practice is a powerful system that drills key, high-yield, exam-relevant facts into you.