USMLE Step 1 revision
PassMedicine USMLE is not another question bank. Imagine a resource that has thousands of USMLE Step 1 flashcard-style facts, ordered by how high-yield they are for the exam. Add in spaced repetition learning and a highly customizable and flexible interface and you've got PassMedicine USMLE.
Sign-up takes less than 30 seconds. Simply enter your e-mail address, set a password and start learning.
Why is PassMedicine USMLE free?
We're very proud of PassMedicine USMLE and hope it'll be an important component of USMLE prep in the near future. It's therefore important for us to get as much feedback as possible so we've decided, for now, not to charge people to use the site.
Will you suddenly start charging me to use PassMedicine USMLE?
No. A free 6-month account means exactly that - it's free for 6 months.
Will you use my e-mail address for other purposes?
No. We will never pass on your e-mail address to third parties or bombard you with annoying e-mails. See our privacy policy for more details. If you're still cautious feel free to use a false e-mail address - we don't mind.
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USMLE Step 1 subscription options
Am I on track to pass? How do I compare to others?
PassMedicine constructs a histogram based on other candidates scores which is updated on a daily basis. This not only allows you to see where you are in the pecking order but also helps predict whether you're ready to take the exam.

All the features you'd expect. And more.
Revision mode, timed tests, extensive performance analysis and powerful question review functions. Not only are PassMedicine questions accompanied by answers there are also revision notes under each question. Flag questions, add your own revision notes and much more...
Introducing the knowledge tutor. Harness the power of spaced repetition learning.
As well as our established, conventional question banks PassMedicine has developed the knowledge tutor. We've taken the results of the latest trials in memory science and applied them to medical revision. What this means in practice is a powerful system that drills key, high-yield, exam-relevant facts into you.